About Cinde

Cinde Warmington is a lifelong health care advocate representing District 2 on the Executive Council

Cinde Warmington is running for Governor because she believes that everyone in New Hampshire deserves the freedom to thrive.

As the only Democrat on the Executive Council and the highest-ranking Democrat in state government, Cinde has been the last line of defense against Republican overreach and extremism.

She has stood strong to fund Planned Parenthood, protect public schools, and expand job development, affordable housing, and childcare services across New Hampshire. As governor, she wants to continue that work and tackle the problems that have been neglected in this state for too long, including ending the state's dangerous abortion ban.

Cinde was first elected to the Executive Council in 2020 by defeating Republican Jim Beard by just under 9 percent to represent Executive Council District 2 — which, at the time, consisted of 49 cities and towns.

In 2022, she secured a second term by handily defeating sitting Republican State Senator Harold French by nearly 20 percent, winning more votes than anyone else on the Executive Council. The newly configured District 2 represents over 250,000 Granite Staters in 81 cities and towns, including Concord, Keene and Lebanon, and stretching up the Connecticut River and Vermont border, to north of the Franconia Notch and into Coös County.

Prior to serving on the Council, Cinde spent decades in health care advocating for expanding substance use disorder treatment services and increased access to telehealth services. She started her career with her first job out of college as a laboratory technician at Lakes Region General Hospital in Laconia. She went on to do additional roles in hospital laboratories and in various health care management roles and then, after having her two children, decided to go to law school at what is now UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law in Concord. A health care attorney, Cinde began her law practice at the law firm of Shaheen & Gordon P.A. more than twenty years ago, and later became a partner and chair of the Health Care Practice Group. There, she advocated for the expansion of substance use disorder treatment services, increased funding for mental health services and increased access to telehealth services. Her practice focused on representing health care providers from individuals to large hospital systems in a wide range of business and regulatory matters.

As a volunteer, Cinde has served on the boards of the New Hampshire Professionals Health Program, Riverbend Community Mental Health, and the Lakes Region Mental Health Center, where she served as Chair. She is a recipient of the Lakes Region Mental Health Center’s Pete Harris Community Service Award for her advocacy work to raise awareness of mental health issues.

Having represented hardworking families in eight of New Hampshire's ten counties, Cinde understands the needs of people from our largest cities to our smallest towns. Cinde will make New Hampshire a state where every person can live free and thrive.

Cinde lives in Concord with her husband, Bill Christie. She has two grown children, Emily and Adam, and four grandchildren.