Cinde Warmington is running for governor because she believes that everyone in New Hampshire deserves the freedom to thrive. As the only Democrat on the Executive Council and the highest-ranking Democrat in state government, Cinde has been the last line of defense against Republican overreach. She has stood strong to fund Planned Parenthood, protect public schools, and expand job development, affordable housing, and childcare services across New Hampshire.

As governor, she wants to continue that work and tackle the problems that have been neglected our state for too long.

Reproductive Freedom

Everyone should have the freedom to make their own reproductive health care decisions, including access to affordable, safe, and legal abortion care and contraception without government interference. Cinde Warmington will repeal Governor Sununu’s dangerous abortion ban and put into law protections for all Granite Staters to access safe, legal abortion care.

Public Education

All students in New Hampshire have the right to receive a quality public school education and we must protect that. Cinde Warmington believes that taxpayer dollars should go to public schools and will put an end to Frank Edelblut’s disastrous voucher program once elected governor. Public education is the bedrock of our democracy and we must invest in our neighborhood schools so that all students in our state have the opportunity to thrive, no matter their ZIP code.

Affordable Housing

We are facing an affordable housing crisis in which New Hampshire is projected to be 60,000 units behind by 2030. This critical problem is exacerbating our homelessness crisis, workforce shortage, and the fact that young people cannot afford to raise their own families in our state. On the Executive Council, Cinde Warmington worked across the aisle to invest $100 million into affordable housing projects and the infrastructure needed to support them. As governor, Cinde Warmington will prioritize making sure that every family has a roof over their heads and no one is forced to sleep on the streets.

Environment & Energy

Climate change presents a real and imminent threat to our state and we must take bold actions to protect our future. As governor, Cinde Warmington will implement a statewide comprehensive climate action plan with clearly specified timelines and goals prioritizing clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency. She is committed to achieving sound environmental and energy policies that are consistent with a strong jobs economy and reduced energy costs. Cinde Warmington will fight to ensure that every Granite Stater has access to clean air, clean drinking water, and the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful parks, lakes, and outdoor recreation that our state has to offer.

Read more about Cinde Warmington's CLEAN Energy Economy Plan here.

Economic Growth & Workforce Protections

Cinde Warmington grew up in a hardworking middle class family and understands the importance of making sure good-paying jobs are available to everyone. She knows that unions built the middle class and that attacks on unions are attacks on working families everywhere. Cinde Warmington is committed to supporting the rights of workers to organize and negotiate for fair wages, better benefits, and safer working conditions. She supports making the minimum wage a living wage and achieving pay equity for women and people of color all throughout the Granite State.

Affordable Health Care & Mental Health

Health care is a right, not a privilege, and we must do more to make sure every Granite Stater has access to affordable care options. Mental health and substance use treatment are no exception and, if we are going to address our mental health and substance use disorder crises, Cinde Warmington knows that we first must start with building out the full range of prevention and treatment options. Over the last two decades, Cinde Warmington has served on multiple community substance use disorder treatment program boards and has been a leading voice on the Executive Council for expanding treatment options and mental health resources.

Gun Violence Prevention

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their communities, whether that’s children in schools or people on the streets. Recent events have shown that New Hampshire is not immune from gun violence. Cinde Warmington believes in responsible gun ownership and is committed to addressing gun violence head-on. She supports universal background checks, gun-free school zones, extreme risk protection orders, and getting weapons of war off the street.

Read more about Cinde Warmington's Gun Violence Prevention Plan here.

Freedom from Discrimination

New Hampshire’s diversity is one of its greatest strengths and we must do more to ensure that diversity is reflected in our public institutions. No matter their race, ethnicity, religious belief, disability, immigration status, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, Cinde Warmington believes every Granite Stater deserves freedom from discrimination in all areas of our society, including employment, housing, education, health care, our justice system, and in accessing all areas of public accommodations.

Protecting Our Democracy

Cinde Warmington understands that all of our fundamental rights begin with the right to vote. Free and fair elections are the foundation of a healthy democracy and Cinde Warmington is committed to ensuring that every eligible Granite Stater has the right to make their voice heard at the ballot box.


Cinde Warmington has long advocated for the legalization, with proper regulation and taxation, of cannabis and will continue to do so as governor.